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Brian May

Brian May


Brian May is an actor , music and music technician who has 46 appearances in movie credits on our record. Although this number can be misleading as it is possible for a movie to be credited for more than one role, so how many movies has Brian May? no less than .


Credits in:

In which movies did Brian May work as an actor?

2010 | Queen: Live at the Rainbow '74

Music department

1991 | Proof 1988 | Mercenary Fighters 1987 | Steel Dawn 1986 | The Quest 1986 | Sky Pirates 1983 | A Slice of Life 1982 | Mad Max 2 1982 | Turkey Shoot 1982 | Mad Max 1981 | Race for the Yankee Zephyr 1981 | Gallipoli 1981 | The Survivor 1981 | Road Games 1981 | The Blue Lagoon 1980 | Harlequin 1979 | Snapshot 1978 | Patrick

Frequent questions
