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Johan Söderberg

Johan Söderberg


Johan Söderberg is an tecnic of mounting , music , director , actor and editorial technician who has a great career with 22 appearances in movie credits on our record. Although this number can be misleading as it is possible for a movie to be credited for more than one role, so how many movies has Johan Söderberg? no less than .


Credits in:

List of films directed by Johan Söderberg

2006 | The Planet2002 | Tokyo Noise1998 | Lucky People Center International

In which movies did Johan Söderberg work as an actor?

1991 | IDn4

From what movies did make the music?

2023 | After Work 2015 | The Swedish Theory of Love 2009 | Videocracy 2005 | Brunnen 2003 | Gate to Heaven 2003 | Details 2002 | Tokyo Noise 1998 | Lucky People Center International

Editorial department

2005 | I'm Going to Tell You a Secret 2004 | Bombay Dreams

Frequent questions
