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Paula Gaitán

Paula Gaitán


Paula Gaitán is an tecnic of mounting , director , writer , actor and tecnic of costume design who has a career formed with already 13 appearances in movie credits on our record. Although this number can be misleading as it is possible for a movie to be credited for more than one role, so how many movies has Paula Gaitán? no less than .


Credits in:

List of films directed by Paula Gaitán

2020 | Luz nos Trópicos2016 | Sutis Interferências2013 | Exilados do Vulcão2008 | Diário de Sintra

The scripts for which movies did Paula Gaitán write?

2020 | Luz nos Trópicos2013 | Exilados do Vulcão2008 | Diário de Sintra

In which movies did Paula Gaitán work as an actor?

2008 | Diário de Sintra2003 | Glauber o Filme, Labirinto do Brasil1984 | Amenic - Entre o Discurso e a Prática1980 | A Idade da Terra

Costume design

1980 | A Idade da Terra


2013 | Exilados do Vulcão

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